This page is dedicated to help returning and new applicants navigate the Allocation Application and Allocations Interview process. Please read below for eligibility requirements, instructions to apply, what to expect in the Allocations Interview, and other related topics. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the Watertown Area United Way office.
Eligibility & Application Requirements:
To apply for funding, your organization must meet one of the following criteria:
- Be an incorporated nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
- Be a county or city program partnered with an incorporated 501(c)(3) organization.
- Be a county or city program.
Required Documentation:
- 501(c)(3) Organizations: Provide a copy of the IRS determination letter certifying your tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
- County or City Programs Partnered with a 501(c)(3): Submit a Memorandum of Understanding, a signed letter from both parties, or other documentation confirming the partnership.
- County or City Programs: Provide a governance explanation letter, a governmental information letter, and, if applicable, your tax EIN number and organizational chart.
Governance & Funding Guidelines
- Your organization must be governed by a responsible, active, and volunteer Board of Directors that serves without pay, meets regularly, and exercises effective administrative control.
- Funding requests must be for ongoing programs or expenses. Watertown Area United Way does not fund one-time projects or individuals.
- Programs must serve the greatest number of people in the Watertown area by focusing on education, health, or financial stability.
- Organizations must have operated in Watertown or South Dakota for at least one full year before applying for funding.
Application Timeline & Funding Allocation
- The 2025 funding application opens on March 1, 2025, and closes at 5:00 PM on April 16, 2025.
- Funds awarded in 2025 will be allocated in 2026 and are dependent on the success of the United Way's annual Fall/Winter campaign. If the campaign goal is not met, the Allocations Committee reserves the right to adjust funding amounts accordingly.
How to apply:
To complete and submit your online application, you must first create or log into an account. Along with the application, you will be required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). The LOI should be uploaded within the application portal. To view a sample LOI click here.
Additionally, you’ll need to provide a list of Board Members, relevant program photos, financial documents, and other required materials. Financial forms, audits, and related documentation must be included as part of your application. Review the 2025-2026 Allocation Application Checklist
You’ll also be asked to submit your most recent success story for use in United Way publicity during the campaign season. Any photos related to the success story can be uploaded within the online application. If you experience any issues uploading photos, please contact director@watertownunitedway.org.
Please note: Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. Fields marked with a red asterisk are required for submission.
At Watertown Area United Way, we prioritize funding programs that focus on education, health, and financial stability. Our mission is to meet basic human care needs by supporting agencies that serve the most people, demonstrate strong stewardship, and have the capacity to effectively manage funding.
Online Account Log in Information:
Your username and password will remain the same for all future agency applications. If you need a copy of past applications, please contact the Watertown Area United Way office at (605) 886-5815 or email director@watertownunitedway.org.
Account Access & Assistance
- Create an Account – New users only. An email confirmation will be sent upon registration.
- Log In – If you already have a username and password, log in here.
- Log Out – Always log out after saving a draft or submitting your application.
- Reset Your Password – If your email was previously used to create an account, you can reset your password using the link provided.
- Recover an Old Account – If you need help recovering an old account, please contact us.
To preview the 2025-2026 Allocation Application questions please click here.
The Allocation Interview:
Once all agency interviews are scheduled, the Executive Director of United Way will share the schedule with all applying agencies. If there is a conflict with your interview time, please contact the United Way office by email at director@watertownunitedway.org or phone at (605) 886-5815. While we will make every effort to accommodate your schedule, please note that we may not be able to fulfill all requests.
Interviews will take approximately 15 minutes and are typically held on Wednesday mornings and Thursday afternoons.
Required Attendance:
At least one representative from the applying agency must attend the interview to present a brief overview of the agency's program, address any questions about the application, and respond to concerns raised by the Allocations Committee.
The Watertown Area United Way Board of Directors will make the final decision regarding the allocation of funds. They reserve the right to approve or deny any application, based on the criteria above or for other reasons deemed necessary.
To preview the 2025 Presentation Template please click here.
Partner Agency Requirements & Recognition
The Watertown Area United Way is a local nonprofit supported by generous individuals and businesses who contribute to the annual campaign. While our primary focus is on organizations and programs within Watertown, we also accept applications from surrounding areas in neighboring counties.
The Allocations Committee prioritizes funding for programs that serve the following key areas:
- Health
- Education
- Financial Stability
- Safety
- Human & Social Services
- Wholesome Recreation for Children
- Other Major Community Needs
Partner Agency Requirements
Organizations requesting funding from Watertown Area United Way must meet the following expectations:
Required Participation – Partner agencies receiving funding from Watertown Area United Way are required to give back by volunteering as a Loaned Executive or Business Division volunteer. This commitment helps strengthen our campaign efforts, ensuring continued support for vital community programs.
Black Out Policy – All Partner Agencies, and/or a Related Entity, shall be strictly prohibited from engaging in any Fundraising, directly or indirectly, from and through September 1st to October 31st of each calendar year. Partner Agencies expressly agree that the purpose of the Policy is to ensure that donors receive an ample duration of time to consider and contemplate the various charitable organizations they wish to support with adequate information. The Policy promotes the harmonious relationship between the Watertown Area United Way and its Partner Agencies to ensure that all charitable funds received by the Watertown Area United Way receive proper consideration and are diversified accordingly.
The following sanctions shall apply to a Partner Agency if a Partner Agency violates the Policy, in the sole discretion of the Watertown Area United Way Board of Directors, based on the number of violations in any consecutive three (3) year period:
- First Violation: The Watertown Area United Way shall cease all funds provided to the Partner Agency, until such time as the Partner Agency is able to meet at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Watertown Area United Way. At such meeting, the Partner Agency shall explain the reason for the violation. The Watertown Area United Way may impose a fine, penalty, withdraw funding, or impose a probationary period determined by the Watertown Area United Way.
- Second Violation: The Watertown Area United Way shall cease payment of all funds allocated to the Partner Agency indefinitely.
Notice of a violation shall be provided from the Executive Director of the Watertown Area United Way, in writing, to the Partner Agency, through first class mail, email, or facsimile. Click Here to View Black Out Policy.
If an agency program is selected as the beneficiary of an external fundraiser during this period, prior approval must be obtained from the United Way Board of Directors. To request an exception, agencies must submit a Black Out Request via email to the Executive Director. This request should outline the details of the fundraiser and the circumstances surrounding it. Submissions are due by the last Wednesday of the month, and all requests will be reviewed at the next scheduled Board meeting. If approved, the fundraiser may proceed but will be subject to any restrictions set forth by the Board.
Please ensure compliance with this policy to maintain alignment with United Way's mission and campaign efforts.
Recognition Requirements
Organizations receiving funding from Watertown Area United Way are required to publicly acknowledge their partnership by:
- Social Media Posts – Share how United Way funding impacts your programs and services.
- Decals & Logos – Display United Way Decals at your facility, on marketing materials, or within program spaces.
- Partner Agency Signs – Place signage at your location to recognize United Way support.
Partner agencies are responsible for covering these recognition costs and may not request additional funding for this purpose. For branding guidelines and materials, refer to the Partner Agency Toolkit.
Sharing Impact & Community Engagement
Beyond the required recognition, agencies are encouraged to:
- Highlight success stories through social media, newsletters, and other communications.
- Showcase program impact with testimonials, data, and community engagement updates.
- Participate in advertising opportunities that demonstrate how United Way funding strengthens the community.
By actively sharing your organization's connection with United Way, you help build stronger community awareness and encourage continued support for essential programs.
2025 Allocations Timeline for 2026 Funding
- March 1, 2025 – Online applications open on www.watertownunitedway.org.
- April 16, 2025 – Online applications and Letters of Intent are due by 5:00 PM. The online portal will close at this time.
- May 21 & 22, 2025 – Allocation interviews will be held at Lake Area Technical College.
- May 22, 2025 – The Allocations Committee will meet with the full Board of Directors to discuss allocation amounts.
- June 2025 – If necessary, the Board of Directors will revisit allocation amounts at the June meeting.
- June 2025 – Award letters will be sent to accepted 2025-2026 partner agencies. Agencies not receiving 2026 funding will be contacted by email for determination.
- August 2025 – Watertown Area United Way Kick-off event.
- September 1 - October 31, 2025 – Black Out Period. No fundraising drives or solicitation activities during this time.
- August 2025 - January/February 2026 – Watertown Area United Way 2025-2026 Annual Campaign.
- January 2026 – The first 2026 allocation will be sent to partner agencies, unless the agency is on a reimbursement allocation. For reimbursement, invoices from the previous month must be submitted to United Way and the accountant by the end of the following month.
- February 2026 – Watertown Area United Way Campaign Wrap-up.