The Watertown Area United Way's Board of Directors has a strong dedication to maintaining the highest ethical standards. The reputation and success of our organization rely on the moral conduct of all individuals affiliated with us and the agencies we serve. If you are interested in joining our board, please send an email to director@watertownunitedway.org.
2024-2025 Board of Directors



Watertown Area United Way Board of Directors can register for BoardSource aka BoardWalk. A product exclusively offered to United Way Board of Directors offering a digital library of trainings, marketing resources, D.E.I. activities and more/ The membership is free to all United Way Board members but requires verification from a local Executive staff member to activate. More details can be found at BoardSource Membership and Digital Library | Live United (unitedway.org).
Log in and enjoy Board Source at BoardWalk | Live United (unitedway.org)! Visit the D.E.I. UWW resources at Home | United Way Equity Framework.