Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Watertown Area United Way?
The purpose of the Watertown Area United Way is to exist as a voluntary, not-for-profit organization that unites community volunteers and agencies to address and provide human care needs and to partner with other organizations to make our community a better place. Funds contributed through the annual campaign provide financial support for a broad range of programs and services in the Watertown Area. This balancing of community resources and localness is performed by a cross section of volunteers.
How are Funds Distributed?
Our Watertown Area United Way Volunteers recommend the amount of money to be allocated for specific agencies. Community volunteers serving as members of the Allocations Committee, review community needs and priorities, agency program's effectiveness and efficiency, agency accountability and fiscal management. The volunteer Board of Directors has the final approval of the budget recommendation for funding of agency programs.
Who is ultimately responsible for the activites of United Way and for the funds it raises and distributes?
The volunteer members that comprise the Board of Directors, in addition to being accountable to the community, are personally liable and legally responsible to see that the Watertown Area United Way is properly managed.
What is the process of admitting agencies to the Watertown Area United Way?
The Watertown Area United Way has an open application process one time each year, to consider admission of new agencies. The Allocations Committee reviews each application and offers the recommendation to the Board of Directors. Admittance is based upon the following criteria: the agency's organizational structure and their programs and the availability of United Way funds. The Allocations Committee is also responsible for ensuring the continued effectiveness of the current United Way agencies. Each agency is reviewed yearly using the same criteria as new applicants.
During the annual campaign many companies provide payroll deduction for their employees, what are the advantages of giving through payroll deduction?
It is easier for individuals to contribute a small amount each pay period than to contribute the same sum all at once. In addition, donors tend to contribute more if they can extend the payments over a longer period of time.