United Way is joining forces with over 30 funded Agency Partners to better understand the needs of Codington County

and provide creative solutions for our toughest social issues. We leverage community donations

to provide mental and emotional wellness programs, access to health services, out-of-school support, fight food insecurity and much more.

Change doesn't happen alone. We are the hand-raisers, the game-changers and the problem-solvers.

We are making our home a better, brighter place. Make a difference today by volunteering, advocating and donating.




If you need financial assistance, mental health support, shelter, or other resources for basic human care needs, then click here or the blue button below. 

You can also call 2-1-1, text your zip code to 898211, email help@helplinecenter.org

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need a compassionate, confidential person to speak with, please reach out to 9-8-8 or visit Home - Helpline Center



NEPRC - WHY (humanserviceagency.org)



Click on the red button below to learn how giving a $1 a week can make an impact for our agency programs. Give online by clicking the "Donate" button in the top right corner of this site. There you can give one time, recurring, and cover transaction fees so your whole gift can go to impact. 


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Office Phone: 211

"The mission of the Helpline Center is making lives better by giving support, offering hope and creating connections all day, every day...The Helpline Center began serving South Dakota in 1974. Through the years, the agency was formalized with staff, grew to 24 hour/7 days a week service, and was the first location west of the Mississippi River to begin 211 service and is available to the entire state of South Dakota. The Helpline Center serves thousands of people every year by connecting individuals to resources and support, connecting local agency volunteers, and offering hope to individuals with thoughts of suicide. The Helpline Center is the only entity in the state accredited by the Alliance for Information and Referral Systems and the only entity in the state that provides a certified crisis line through the American Association of Suicidology. The Helpline Center is a blended call center, meaning that all of the staff are cross trained to handle crisis and information/referral phone calls." - About the Helpline Center – Helpline Center

Learn more about the Last Mile Delivery program and its success at 1M Food Deliveries Completed through Ride United | United Way Worldwide

EIN Number: 23-7424387

GuideStar Profile: Helpline Center Inc - GuideStar Profile

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Office Phone: (605) 886-5815

Delta Dental of South Dakota is dedicated to advancing and promoting the improvement of oral health. Each summer the Delta Dental Mobile comes to Watertown, SD for two weeks and one week on the Fall. 

EIN Number: 46-0309258

GuideStar Profile: Delta Dental of South Dakota - GuideStar Profile

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Office Phone: (605) 886-5815

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is a remarkable program that reflects the power of partnership and community engagement in fostering early childhood literacy. By providing free books to children from birth to age five, the initiative not only encourages reading at a crucial stage of development but also supports family bonding through shared stories. Local community partners play a vital role in this endeavor, ensuring that the program is accessible in Codington County for the Watertown Area United Way. This collaborative effort between Dolly Parton, local communities, and families creates a strong foundation for lifelong learning and a love for books among the youngest members of society. For more information visit: The Dolly Parton Imagination Library | Watertown Area United Way (watertownunitedway.org)

Tax EIN Number: 87-2355218

GuideStar Profile: Imagination Library of Frankfort - GuideStar Profile

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Office Phone: 1(844) 234-3057

SingleCare is a service that offers significant discounts on prescription prices by working directly with pharmacies. These discounts can be as much as 80%, and the savings are passed on to members without any fees. The SingleCare cards, which facilitate these discounts, are readily available at local United Way offices and can also be requested for distribution at various businesses and service agencies. For those interested in making SingleCare cards available through their organization, contacting the office via phone or email is the recommended course of action. This service is designed to make medications more affordable for everyone, providing a valuable resource for both insured and uninsured individuals.

More information on how to get cards click here 

Informational Video: https://files.familywize.org/pp_resources/Prod/docs/partner resources/uw/5. Videos/SingleCare-UW-Overview.mp4

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Office Phone: (605) 886-4304

24/7 Hotline: 1-800-660-8014

Provides a 24-hour crisis line (605) 886-4300 or 1-800-660-8014 to victims of abuse, domestic violence shelter, rape crisis services, peer and professional counseling, information and referral, education and training, support groups, and more. Serving Clark, Codington, Deuel, Grant, and Hamlin counties

EIN Number: 46-0358638

GuideStar Profile: Beacon Center - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week... Every dollar allocated to Beacon Center is used to provide the best possible services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and human trafficking. The Family Visitation Center clients may incur a small fee, but all DV, SA, stalking and human trafficking victims have no charge for services they receive from Beacon Center. Each dollar may allow a victim to receive counseling, legal assistance/advocacy, medical advocacy, transportation, medical appointments, and case management. We assess each and every individual.

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Office Phone: 605-886-6666

The Main Club Site of the Boys & Girls Club of Watertown is unique in that it is a standalone facility that acts as a safe place for kids. The Club is open every day after-school, over school breaks, and all day in the summer. There is no other entity in the Watertown
community that is well-positioned or structured as the Boys & Girls Club to undertake the transformational project of closing youth development gaps. With a membership fee of just $25.00 per year to the Main Club Site, member’s families have a significant cost
savings when it comes to their childcare needs. Boys & Girls Club programming is broad-based, falling under the following categories: education and career development, health and life skills, character and leadership, arts, sports, fitness, and recreation.

EIN Number: 46-0311845

GuideStar Profile: Boys and Girls Club of Watertown Inc - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can.... provide art supplies for kids to explore their creativity in the Art Room.

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Office Phone: 605-882-5375

The Codington County Drug Court works to enhance public safety with the goal of developing sober, productive, law-abiding citizens by holding the offender accountable while providing supervision, treatment and life skills in a judicial setting.

EIN Number: 46-0275247

GuideStar Profile: HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... allow for one item from the Dollar Store for one participant as incentive for complying to the rules of Drug Court for that week.


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Office Phone: 605-886-7335

Funding used is for children’s educational programming. Programming will incorporate art activities, songs, games and presentations to educate youth on the history of Codington County

EIN Number: 46-0335602

GuideStar Profile: Codington County Historical Society Inc - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can...provide programming for 10 children.

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Office Phone: 605-882-6272

Provides a trained team of volunteers ready for search and dive rescue or for recovery of persons and evidence, and promotion of water safety

EIN Number: 1018-1457-RG

GuideStar Profile: none available 

$1 a week can... train Search & Rescue volunteers to be safe and to save lives (i.e. open water diving, advance open water diving, ice diving, rescue diving, certifications, and re-certifications).

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Office Phone: 605-882-5287

Provides dependable, affordable public transportation to the people in the Watertown area as they travel to meet their needs for shopping, medical appointments, employment opportunities, educational, nutritional, and recreational purposes.

EIN Number: 84-3240474

GuideStar Profile: Community Transit of Watertown Sisseton Inc - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can...contribute to 17 rides a year for someone who is in a financial need.

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Office Phone: 605-520-8002

CASA seeks to promote and protect the best interest of abused and neglected children involved in court proceedings through the advocacy efforts of trained dedicated, passionate volunteers.

EIN Number: 33-0998847

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/33-0998847 

$1 a week can... allow us to provide children with items that provide a sense of value, importance, and normalcy by celebrating birthdays, first days of school, graduation, or for any day that warrants a little something extra.

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Office Phone: 605-336-3660

Girls on the Run is an afterschool program, serving girls in grades 3-6. Girls on the Run inspires girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running.

EIN Number: 46-0234998

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0234998

$1 a week can... provide a healthy snack for a girl participating in Girls on the Run. As an afterschool program, these snacks are needed to provide fuel for the girls for their 75-minute session.

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Office Phone: 1-800-666-2141

Girls in K-12th grades discover their leadership potential as they make the world a better place through community service projects improving the quality of life in the Watertown Area. Find out more about the Girl Scout Leadership at www.gsdakotahorizons.org.

EIN Number: 46-0250744

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0250744

$1 a week can... provide a girl needing financial assistance the chance to belong to Girl Scouts, the world’s largest organization dedicated to building girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. Your donation will help cover the cost of membership dues, learning materials and other program essentials.


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Office Phone: 605-884-4540

Serenity Hills is a residential halfway house for men who are dually diagnosed with both a mental health and an addictions diagnosis. Individuals receiving services at Serenity Hills participate in aftercare programming, seek employment within the community and receive ongoing therapeutic support from staff and other residents.

EIN Number: 46-0275247

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0275247

$1 a week can... contribute to offset the daily room and board paid for by each resident. Many times these men come to us from treatment centers or prison and do not have any disposable income as they have not yet received disability benefits or they are unemployed. The United Way funding helps offset this obligation so they can focus on their recovery and seeking employment.

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Office Phone: 605-884-3518

Project SUCCESS (Schools Using Coordinated Community Efforts to Strengthen Students) is a school-based prevention program, implemented in the Watertown Middle and High schools, to prevent and reduce substance abuse and other high-risk youth social issues.

EIN Number: 46-0275247

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0275247

$1 a week can...be invested in school-based substance abuse prevention programs has the potential to save up to $18 in costs related to treatment of substance use disorders.  So your $1 a week actually becomes $18 a week for prevention services; which is a $936 investment a year for the future of our Watertown youth and community.  Your dollar a week is going to impact the lives of at least 12 young people.  Your dollar a week will give students FREE access to another helping professional on campus, who will help them make better choices, develop healthy coping skills, build resilience and to provide them with the opportunities to become successful and thriving community members.

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Office Phone: 605-256-6518

Funding from the United Way provides needed dental care at no charge to underserved children ages 0 to 21 who do not have access to a dentist or dental care.

EIN Number: 46-0275247

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0275247

$1 a week can... provide 65% of the cost of one appointment on the dental care mobile.


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Office Phone: 605-256-6518

Assisting Watertown Area children and youth to succeed by providing the needed school supplies to give them the best opportunity to learn. 

EIN Number: 46-0282131

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0282131

$1 a week can... provide school supplies for two students in Deuel County.

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Office Phone: 605-256-6518

Assisting Watertown Area children and youth to succeed by providing the needed school supplies to give them the best opportunity to learn. 

EIN Number: 46-0282131

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0282131

$1 a week can... provide school supplies for two students in Hamlin County.

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Office Phone: 605-256-6518

Provides administrative support to the ICAP Head Start program serving low-income children allowing children to attend development classes enabling them to be prepared for school

EIN Number: 46-0282131

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0282131

$1 a week can... provide direct services or linkages to other service providers for one Head Start individual client.

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Office Phone: 605-256-6518

Locally raised funds provide school supplies needed by children from both Hamlin and Deuel counties using the school provided lists. Staff and volunteers bundle supplies and provide them to participating families in late summer before school starts.

EIN Number: 46-0282131

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0282131

$1 a week can... provide 1.5 boxes of diapers for the Head Start Pre-Birth to Five Program.

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Office Phone: 605-256-6518

Sixties Plus Dining assists individuals aged 60 and older, without regard to income, to maintain optimal health and nutritional status. Services are available at 25 locations in Codington, Clark, Deuel, Hamlin, and Grant counties.

EIN Number: 46-0282131

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0282131

$1 a week can... contribute would provide approximately 10 meals in the Sixties Plus Dining Program.

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Office Phone: 605-256-6518

VITA is a free program to help low and middle-income workers have their Federal and State personal income taxes prepared and filed electronically at no cost. VITA also ensures that workers receive all the tax credits to which they are entitled.

EIN Number: 46-0282131

GuideStar Profile: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/46-0282131

$1 a week can... provide partial assistance (80%) for income tax filing assistance for individuals.

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Office Phone: 605-882-6269

Helps bring zoo programs to those who don't normally have the opportunity. The zoo's on-site and outreach programming reaches Boys and Girls Club members, children at risk, nursing homes, those with special needs, Watertown schools, and more.

EIN Number: 23-7294134

GuideStar Profile: Lake Area Zoological Society - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can...

"A dollar a week allows a local nursing home group to receive an Outreach program at their facility.


A dollar a week helps 17 local students attend a field study trip to the zoo.


A dollar a week allows 2 schools to receive free 30 min Animal Encounter presentations during their visit."

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Office Phone: 605-882-52884

Offers services to residents of Codington and surrounding counties in order to meet educational needs. Services include in person tutoring for basic literacy skills, adult brushup, GED completion and workforce readiness.

EIN Number: 36-3860861

GuideStar Profile: Lake Area Technical Institute Foundation - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... provide 13 GED Ready Official Practice Tests for our students.

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Office Phone: 605-882-2740

LSS Behavior Health Services provides mental health counseling for people of all ages. LSS accepts Medicaid, Medicare and most insurance, and our sliding fee scale makes counseling affordable.

EIN Number: 46-0224731

GuideStar Profile: Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota Inc - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... support a counseling session using a sliding fee scale at Lutheran Social Services for a couple who has trouble communicating, which will help strengthen their marriage and reduce the likelihood of divorce.


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Office Phone: 605-882-2228

The LSS Center for Financial Resources provides financial, housing and home buyer counseling and education, and debt management, provided by certified credit and housing counselors.

EIN Number: 46-0224731

GuideStar Profile: Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota Inc - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... allow two people will be able to attend a financial literacy class through videoconferencing to help them learn options available for student loan repayment.

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Office Phone: 605-886-4030

Operates the food pantry, provides lodging and meals to the homeless, assists travelers, provides clothing and household items, plays a vital role in disaster restoration and response, and offers character-building programs and music programs.

EIN Number: 36-2167910

GuideStar Profile: Salvation Army Divisional Headquarters Indiana Division - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... provide a meal for one person within our feeding program or 52 meals in one year.

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Office Phone: 605-361-2697

Helps local boys and girls learn to say no to peer pressure, feel good about themselves, develop into participating citizens, and become responsive to the needs of others.

EIN Number: 46-0224599

GuideStar Profile: Boy Scouts of America - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... provide four low-income youth an age appropriate Scout Handbook for their yearly programming and rank advancement.

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Office Phone: 605-886-4427

The Watertown Area PACH (People Against Child Hunger) Program works with school staff to provide complimentary snacks and meals to students who may need an additional food resource over weekends during the school year.

EIN Number: 46-3296115

GuideStar Profile: Watertown Area People Against Child Hunger - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... provide 9 PACH bags for 9 youth in need. 

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Office Phone: 605-886-2266

Helps children develop life skills through swimming. Scholarships are provided to children/families who cannot afford the coaching fees. Funds are also used to help cover the cost of home meet fees for all Watertown Swim Club participants.

EIN Number: 46-0337969

GuideStar Profile: Watertown Area Swim Club - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... pay for 1 month of swimming on swim team for a swimmer.

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Office Phone: 605-881-2809

By providing quality coaching, well maintained fields, equipment and transportation, and the opportunity to participate and compete in a challenging schedule, this agency provides youth in Watertown and the surrounding area with a positive environment and the opportunity to develop baseball skills.

EIN Number: 46-0369994

GuideStar Profile: Watertown Baseball Parents Association Inc - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... would equate to one of our Junior/Teener League teams getting uniform tops for the season.

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Office Phone: 605-880-3706

The program targets skaters ages 4 – 35 from Codington and surrounding counties. Teaching skaters the fundamentals of ice skating with progressive curriculum promotes health while building selfconfidence and skills

EIN Number: 26-4541186

GuideStar Profile: Watertown Figure Skate Club Inc - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can.... help purchase prizes & supply printing for award certificates for programs "Skater of the Week." 

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Office Phone: 605-882-5030

Watertown Fire Rescue is devoted to the preservation of life and property. Proudly serving out community by providing excellence in Emergency Medical Services, Fire Suppression, Rescue, and Education. Always Ready!

EIN Number: 46-600515

$1 a week can... provide 3 smoke alarms or 2 CO detectors.

Office Phone: 605-880-6175

Lacrosse plays and teaches lacrosse using a great and very passionate volunteer base..

EIN Number:  81-5083697

GuideStar Profile: Watertown Lacrosse Club - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... $1 a week would cover a scholarship for USA Lacrosse registration fees for up to two players.

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Office Phone: 605-520-9213

Provides youth, an opportunity for recreational and competitive skating, and helps develop hockey skills in a fun and exciting environment along with teaching lifelong lessons. Funds received are used to provide scholarships to those children/families that may not otherwise be able to participate.

EIN Number: 51-0138200

GuideStar Profile: Watertown Hockey Association Inc - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... would enable one player to rent equipment for the season.

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Office Phone: 605-882-6260

Provides innovative, physical, educational, and social activities for seniors and adults 50 plus years of age. Funding received helps with equipment supplies and staffing.

EIN Number: none available 

GuideStar Profile: none available

$1 a week can... provide one senior citizen with the ability to participate in a variety of programs throughout the year at the Senior Activities Center.  In fact that $1.00 would include covering the cost for a Wii Bowling League, Pool League, Shuffleboard League, Dart League, Bean Bag League, Line Dancing Classes and two special one day tournaments during the calendar year.  That is a lot of programs that just $1.00 a week covers, that makes a huge difference in the life of a senior citizen.


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Office Phone: 605-882-6260

Building character, this program teaches lifelong skills and abilities to children. Registration Fees for the program are kept as low as possible with funding from the United Way.

EIN Number: none available 

GuideStar Profile: none available 

$1 a week can... provide 15 participants a league shirt

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Office Phone: 605-818-9972

Funds received provide scholarships to those who may not have the resources to participate. WYSA provides a positive environment and promotes health, exercise, and good character; builds teamwork and socialization and helps each player to reach their desired potential.

EIN Number: 91-1787664

GuideStar Profile: Watertown Youth Soccer Association - GuideStar Profile

$1 a week can... pay a registration fee for a child to play and experience the fun of soccer.

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