Dental Care for Your Kids!
The Delta Dental Mobile is coming to the Watertown Regional Library June 3rd - 14th! Youth from Codington or surrounding counties ages 0-21 are eligible for the Delta Dental Mobile’s services. Dental care is provided at no cost for youth or family.
Pre-registration is required. To schedule an appointment for the June visit, please call Watertown Area United Way at (605) 886-5815 or email director@watertownunitedway.org.
If you would like to volunteer at the check-in table or provide translating services, please call or email Watertown Area United Way. Patient forms and more details about the mobile can be found at: https://www.watertownunitedway.org/delta-dental-mobile...
Thank you to our donors for making these two weeks possible and giving the gift of a healthy smile!
#give #advocate #volunteer #LiveUnited Delta Dental of South Dakota