Join the Watertown Area United Way and become an advocate for education, health, and financial stability issues affecting the residents of Watertown and nearby communities. You can find nonprofits and other programs that align with your passions at Agency Programs | Watertown Area United Way (watertownunitedway.org).
Your community needs your support to advocate for United Way programs. You can contribute by sharing United Way's social media posts, creating your own posts, organizing a rally at your workplace, or creating a Facebook Fundraiser. The United Way digital toolkit can provide you with photos, sample texts, videos, flyers, and other resources to help you create a Facebook fundraiser, social media post, or workplace campaign materials.
If you are retired, a part of a community service group, or a stay-at-home, you can still help by inviting your friends over to your home or a gathering place to discuss the importance of giving back. You can use the digital toolkit to help you lead a meeting with your friends or invite your local United Way Executive Director to come and speak or help you find an agency to speak.